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What comes to your mind when you try to describe emeralds? Stunning, beautiful, vibrant, and a lot more. Isn’t it? The vivid green hue and captivating allure of the stone contribute to a great extent to its popularity. However, the fascination with emeralds extends beyond their appearance. This royal stone is not only beautiful but brings immense benefits to the wearer in professional and personal aspects.

Astrological, spiritual, mystical, and other healing properties of this spectacular stone make it a must-have birthstone for May born babies. Those with weak Mercury in their horoscope should wear this stone to avoid negative effects. They are considered symbols of success and well-being. as they attract prosperity and abundance. These valuable gemstones are also surrounded by several facts and myths. Let's check them.

Emerald Ring

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Facts related to the History of Emeralds:

Emeralds have captured the world's attention for centuries. So there are several stories and facts related to their history.

Ancient Civilizations: Emeralds mining and trade to different countries can be traced around more than 4,000 years back. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans valued this green stone for its beauty and believed that it symbolized rebirth. Cleopatra’s love for emeralds is world popular and even the mines were named for that.

Mesoamerican Cultures: Emeralds held significant religious and cultural importance, during this cultural period. They were considered sacred and associated with gods during the Inca and Aztec civilizations.

European Influence: During the Renaissance in Europe, emeralds became fashionable among the aristocracy and were used in royal jewelry and portraits. They were favored by monarchs like Queen Elizabeth II and Empress Eugénie of France.

Modern Day: Emeralds today are among the most sought-after stones in the world after diamonds. They are considered highly valued gemstones. Colombia is the primary source of the finest quality emeralds. Besides this other countries like Zambia, Brazil, and Afghanistan also contribute quality emeralds with distinct variations in color and clarity.

Facts related to Benefits of Emeralds:

Spiritual and Emotional: Emeralds are associated with the promotion of emotional balance, harmony, and love. They symbolize loyalty and friendship, which makes them popular choices for special occasions like engagements as well as weddings. Often emerald jewelry is referred to as sentimental jewelry.

Physical Health: Emeralds have been associated with various healing properties, particularly related to eye health and vision, since ancient times. Their role in fertility and childbirth was also highly regarded during those periods, believed to enhance reproductive health and facilitate safe childbirth.

Mental Clarity: Emeralds play a great role in enhancing mental clarity and focus. They help wearers in effective communication and making informed decisions.

Facts related to the Uses of Emeralds:

Facts related to the Uses of Emeralds:

Jewelry: Most of the emeralds are used in jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Their vibrant green color makes them a good choice for making elegant and statement pieces. They can be easily combined with other colored gemstones or shining stones on different metals to create unique jewel pieces.

Symbolism: Their deep relation with love and rebirth, makes them a perfect choice for engagement rings or other special occasions. They symbolize hope, growth, and renewal.

Birthstones: For May born babies Emeralds hold a special significance as they are their birthstones. They are also related to the astrological sign Taurus. They bring harmony and balance to their lives.

Some Myths Related to Emeralds

  1. Healing Powers: As discussed emerald green color brings soothing to the eyes, and restores vision. These healing properties are related to vision and also have a soothing effect on the wearer’s mental and emotional state.

  2. Symbol of Vitality: Since times emeralds are often associated with eternal youth and rebirth. The vivid green color of the stone was considered to represent spring, renewal, and vitality.

  3. Mystical Protection: This is again a myth followed in some cultures that emeralds offer protection against evil spirits and negative energies. To safeguard the wearer they were used in talismans and amulets.

  4. Could give Wisdom: Ancient people believed that emeralds could give wisdom and make one smarter too. They thought that just by looking at the gemstone one’s memory power is increased and he or she can solve hard problems.

  5. Love and Fidelity: Emeralds have a deep relationship with love and fidelity. They are known to bring loyalty and domestic bliss to relationships, which makes them a popular choice for engagement rings and special romantic gifts.

Wrapping Up:

Emeralds, “the royal green stones” popular for their stunning green hue, are believed to bring both physical and emotional benefits to wearers. They have a rich history which can be traced around 4,000 years back, symbolizing rebirth in ancient cultures and adorning royalty during the Renaissance. Today, emeralds are prized for their healing properties, used in jewelry to symbolize love and renewal, and valued as birthstones for May-born individuals. They also carry mystical beliefs, from enhancing wisdom to protecting against negative energies, making them more than just beautiful gemstones, they are symbols of vitality and enduring love.

Virica Jewels
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